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  3. TachoScan Control licence activation and deactivation

TachoScan Control licence activation and deactivation

TachoScan Control

Activation via the Internet

If you have access to the Internet, do the following.

  1. Run TachoScan Control.
  2. In the Program activation window, select Standard licence -> Next.
  3. Select Activation via internet -> Next.
  4. Fill in all the necessary fields and select Next.
  5. The TachoScan Control program will be activated automatically.

Activation by phone

In case you don’t have access to the Internet, do the following.

  1. Run TachoScan Control.
  2. In the Program activation window, select Standard licence -> Next.
  3. Select Activate via phone -> Next.
  4. Enter Licence number, Licence code, Activation code, and select Next.

    If you don’t have the activation code, call or email the software service. You’ll be asked to give your Workstation code, Licence numer and the program Version

  5. The TachoScan Control program will be activated automatically.

Licence deactivation

If you want to deactive the licence, do the following.
  1. Run TachoScan Control.
  2. Go to the Help tab.
  3. Select Program deactivation.
Updated on 19 June 2024

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